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31 Portland Road
Gray, ME 04039
Practice Logo
31 Portland Road
Gray, ME 04039
  • doctor consult
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  • doctor performing procedure



Doing Dentistry Differently

Over the years, experience and knowledge have helped hone my unique philosophy for life and definition of success. Working as an associate dentist in other offices forced me to seek out-of-the-box solutions that could provide a sustainable work-life balance for my future. I was not interested in working myself to death or becoming burnt out and jaded. I did not want to manage constant staffing issues or perform the same treatments over and over again. I wanted a profitable office where I could perform excellent dentistry, treat awesome patients that I cared about (and got along with), assemble a team that supported my goals, and establish an exit plan with investments so that I could stop working at any time. If you are seeking similar goals in your personal and professional life, you have come to the right place.

Ready to take the next step?